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    The Lombard Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association (LCPAAA) is a non-profit organization whose membership is made up of graduates of the Lombard CPA program.  The LCPAAA provides educational activities that continue the learning process begun in the CPA program as well as volunteer support for the Lombard Police Department.  It interfaces with the community, generally through social activities that both support police department activities and other community organizations and programs.  Such activities include the scholarship program for children of police officers and firemen, the Shop-with-a-Cop Christmas program and an annual food drive for local food pantries.

    The organization was formed in 1998 by Sgt. Dave Kundrot and members of the first three CPA classes.  Our group has continued to grow and now has over 80 members, some of whom were charter members of the organization.  The continued effort of the group is to promote a positive image of the Lombard Police Department and law enforcement in general.

|   Site design by Glenn Lawrentz

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©1997-2023 Lombard Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association
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